The most beautiful way to visit Kamanje is by train. Halfway between Ozalj and Metlika, in Slovenia, right in front of Kamanje, the train will silently glide along the very bank of the Kupa river, winding through the rocky, wooded canyon. And within those same rocks, hidden from accidental looks, lies the legendary Vrlovka cave.

The Vrlovka cave has been adapted for tourist visits, it is protected as a major geomorphological natural site, and contains spectacular dripstone formations. It is thus an inspiration for numerous geologists, speleologists, biospeleologists, paleontologists and archaeologists, and in spite of years and years of constant explorations, it still hides secrets that yet have to surface from its eternal darkness. It is home to several kinds of bats that enjoy all the benefits from the Kamanje area and happily do their acrobatics above the Kupa surface near the entrance to the cave. It is said that the lakes in the cave are being filled with water from a large underground lake situated inside the hill called Vodenica, but that is just a legend. Still, who knows, maybe the new explorations will some day prove this right?

Legends very often take us to various adventures, so why shouldn’t a visit to Kamanje become an adventure, too? A nice hiking road towards Vodenica, maintained by the “Vrlovka” hiking association, starts at Kamanje and will reward anyone who climbs on top the hill with a spectacular view. From time to time, it is a good idea to observe the world from the top of a hill, as one often gains a whole new perspective. However unusually small the houses in the distance might seem when looked upon from such a distance, the same holds true for all our problems.

And yet, if you prefer a more realistic approach to life, you should visit the old churches around Kamanje, where the history and culture of this region are still being preserved. Also, do not forget to visit the place during the fair, a joyful festival with a spiritual component. It is a part of a tradition worth preserving. And don’t forget the Kupa and its beaches. Swimming during the summer is just a normal thing for the local people, as it brings together families and friends. And every person that visits Kamanje is a friend.

This little place has very successfully managed to fulfill its vision of the future. Take a stroll through Kamanje, take a peak inside its courtyards and talk to people, and you will understand how simple things in life really are.